Tuesday, January 22, 2008

dumb kids, smart kids

this weekend i was helping out in the 3-4 year old sunday school class at church. some kids are just so loveable...and some kids are REALLY not.

kids that are not loveable have/are...
1. runny noses
2. dirty faces
3. smelly (somtimes the smelly kids are so clingy, wanting to sit on my lap.)
4. dumb/slow

but this one kid in my class is AMAZING! he is 3 and a half. he is the ONLY kid in the entire class who colors in the lines, and usually picks appropriate colors. this past christmas, the kids all got sets of stickers to make the nativety scene. all the kids just put their stickers on randomly, having the wisemen upside down, or basically flying to the manger. this kid, however, put the correct stickers in the barn (baby jesus, joseph, mary, etc.) and all people and animals were right side up and ON THE GROUND!!! also, since there was not enough room in the barn, the kid lined up the three wisemen outside; he told me that the three wisemen were on their way to see baby jesus. not only does this kid have commen sense when coloring and placing stickers, he also can write his name...legibly!!! he is the only kid in the class who can write his name on his paper to the point that i can just glance at it and know what it says. this week, he had another name written on his paper, so i asked him who that was. he said it was his sister. and then he proceeded to tell me he had two sisters and was then able to write the name of his other sister as well!!! OMG THE KID IS AWESOME! NOT ONLY THAT! he is incredibly athletic at 3 years old! he can drop kick a ball...like drop it and kick it in the air. he can catch pretty consistently. he throws like an adult. when he kicks or throws a ball, it invariably hits the ceiling of the classroom. most of the other kids have trouble writing their names and also cannot catch!

1 comment:

raisin.detre said...

awww, i hope that your children will be smart.. otherwise i will feel very sorry for them