Monday, February 11, 2008

what are they teaching kids in school these days??

last night my (13 year old) brother asked me if i was going to vote in the US presidential election this year.

i said, "probably not."


"too lazy."

"then you should vote for me."

"who would you vote for?"

and without one bit of hesitation, my brother said, "obama."


again, immediately, my brother said, "because he is black."

my brother explained to me that, at one time, in the US, black people could not even vote! (*gasp*) seriously, that was his reason.

i then tried to explain to him that voting for someone merely because of the color of his/her skin is discrimination.

he said, "no, it's DE-discrimination."


raisin.detre said...

hmm, women couldn't vote for awhile too... you should educate your brother on that one also.

ellen said...

yeah i was like, "what about hillary? there has never been a woman president." but he didn't seem interested.

but seriously, that is not the point!

raisin.detre said...

did you tell him that republicans are oppressed because they can't reap the direct benefits of their money/a meritocracy if it all goes to tax and helping minority rights, saving the environs, etc?