Sunday, July 19, 2009

50 miles!

biked 50 miles today (to carlton, mn and back)!! carlton seemed like a ghost town, nothing but the gas station was open. even their public library is not open everyday! all the restaurants and stores were closed. i saw three hardcore bikers a few times on my way to carlton, and saw them again at the gas station at carlton. they were three physicians from abbott biking an 8 day tour of minnesota! they had started in hinckley and were planning to make it to duluth today. (70 miles in all!) the day before, they had started in the twin cities.

anyway, not much of note happened. i do like biking north toward duluth better than biking south. somehow it always feels easier. i have now biked the 44 mile stretch between finlayson and carlton. i'm tempted to drive up to carlton at some point so i can bike the last 15 miles to duluth to see what the trail is like.

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