Thursday, July 16, 2009

funeral home, then duluth.

i spent a day in cloquet shadowing a mortician/funeral director. it was kind of a quirky day. i'm always the only student shadowing at each site everyday, but for whatever reason, today nick (another student in my class also doing this internship) was scheduled with me at the funeral home. i think it worked out really well, since while usually when i am shadowing it is nice to have the one on one attention from the physician or nurse (etc), today it was nice to have a buddy. it wasn't the dead bodies that bothered me, but the strange/strong personality that makes a funeral director. i think i might have felt a little uncomfortable there on my own.

that said, the funeral director was incredibly nice. he even bought us lunch at mexico lindo. which, coincidentally, someone had mentioned to me on tuesday as the best mexican food ever. it was decent. i had a chimichanga.

we were let out of there early since not much was going on, and since we were now only 20 miles from duluth, we went on a spontaneous adventure to duluth! we saw the waters of lake superior, saw the bridge go up and a giant boat go through, climbed big rocks, skipped little rocks, visited the visitor center, and browsed some shops. IT WAS SO COLD. but it seemed a shame not to go, so we braved it. canal park in duluth seems like it was be really nice and fun if it was warm out.

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